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In a paris Ryan and Aufa accidentally meet.Aufa saw Ryan from a distance and called out to him

Aufa:hey Ryan!what are you doing here?

Ryan:owh.Aufa.long time no see.I was invited to this school because my grades are the biggest in Indonesia

Aufa:Thats great.congratulations!How's the score?

Ryan:owhh thank you.I got the highest score for the test

Aufa:wow amazing!I knoe you very smart

Ryan.well done

Ryan:owh thank you hs just normal.I know im smart

Ryan:what are you doing here?

Aufa:i was just traveling to europe and i want to see the learning that is in this school

Ryan:thats great!

Ryan:Aufa i have class.i want to go to class first have a nice trip in this school

Aufa:ohh sure,bye bye!


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