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Showing posts from January, 2020
Nightmare Side from a few episodes here I can only show one episode. This episode is titled ghost in the campus toilet, one day a student, the student was in class at four o'clock in the afternoon, when the lecturer was explaining the student felt stomach ache, he hurried to toilet, but when outside the toilet behind the classroom there was a broken roof, the student looked at it for fifteen seconds, and a long-haired and white-dressed figure appeared on the broken roof, the student immediately frightened and returned to class with uncomfortable feeling.
"The Boring holidays" Maybe for most HOLIDAYS it was pleasure, but not for me . how not, this vacation just makes me bored, every day I spend time in my room and on the couch to play games, and it's strong enough to be proof that I hate holidays, my friend when on vacation is just bed, food and computer.